Tuesday, April 17, 2007

#19 2.0

Library 2.0 feels like a teeny tiny step in the right direction for libraries. It can be very scary to re-imagine something that has been around in its present form for so long, but it is essential for libraries to move ahead with its patrons and provide what they want where and when they want it. The OCLC articles brought up several points I would agree with, including the need for a choice of searching experiences for the patron. Not everyone searches the same way, and traditional library systems don't give a lot of wiggle room to individuals who want choices.

I really gravitated toward the idea that cross-searching could streamline the discovery process by allowing a patron (or librarian!) to search across many resources at once. A reliable and relevant search like this could save so much time, and help find information that would have been lost to the user with the current methods.

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